Banner and Poster

Cocoa Trees
Short fact about the client
A confectionery specializing in high-end and branded chocolate and candy.

Basic Concept
Classy, simple and stylish approach. 

Think Out of The Box
Short fact about the client
A seminar to encourage creativity in school and office.

Basic Concept
Smart, engaging, open and inviting.

Investment Strategy that Works
Short fact about the client
A seminar about investment.
Basic Concept
Smart, money-related and not boring.

Half-Hearted Tolerance
Short fact about the client
A talk show about religion tolerance in Indonesia, especially for youths.
Basic Concept
Edgy, grungy, passionate and disturbing.

M Photo Studio
Short fact about the client
The first photo studio utilizing photobox and value package for groups, aimed for teenagers.

Basic Concept
Fun, friendly, funky, loud and colourful.

Mr. Indonesia
Short fact about the client
PABBSI (Persatuan Angkat Besi-Binaraga-Angkat Berat Seluruh Indonesia or Indonesian Lift Iron-Body Building-Weightlifting Federation) annual event of  weighlifting championship with the title of Mr. Indonesia.

Basic Concept
Powerful, strong, massive, and spirited. 

Short fact about the client
A restaurant specializing on chinese influenced food combined with western or other modern  cuisine.

Basic Concept
The overall visual character was traditional Chinese with modern approach, focusing on the appetizing images of the restaurant promoted dishes.